Sunday, 16 February 2014

Surrender - Be Free

Life sometimes looks so unfair...
You have thought something or some event would occur in your own way... But it’s impossible...
Its just impossible to think that something will happen according to your prediction... 
Now what to do? You will cry out loud, you will be angry on yourself or blame the other person or life only because something doesn't happen according to your wish..!
But guys think for a second... 
Not even a single thing takes place according to your wish... you just adjust with the flow... 
When something happens that you like the most you will think it has happened as you have thought, as you have wished for but is it really true? 

Life goes on with its flow and when something happens positive or negative you will see it according to your wish,according to your point of view...
You know what? Life has never been unfair with anyone...
We make things unfair in our eyes, in our mind...
Life is always fair... but we see its fairness according to our situation, according to our circumstances...

friends Change your view..! Accept the life as it is and see how life gives you the joy of what you have wished for, and for getting what you have wished for firstly you have to accept the life as it is, accept each and everything as it is..! Then see your life will be so beautiful.

Remember at the moment you stop demanding anything from the universe... it will start fulfilling your all demands..!
It simply means Surrender to the Universe and Be Free. Let it control over your life by whatever way. 
You will be happy when you will let it go, you just need to have faith. :)

P.S. Sorry if there is any grammatical mistakes..! :) 
(C) Disha Joshi

1 comment:

  1. Excellent!!!

    I quote beautiful line written by my friend!
    "Chronicles of the consequences of your choices... is Life!!
